Feeding Time - Staunton Harold Reservoir
I have been working on producing a composite image this morning and the results have been very encouraging. However, I think I need to reflect on the issues raised by the approach I have taken.
Set Up
The set is very simple. Find an area where the birds come to feed. Place your camera nearby with a wireless remote attached and when the birds arrive - take the images.
Technical issue with this approach
Living in the UK the light is at best marginal. On very rare days we get brilliant sunshine. When this occurs then there is sufficient light to mean that you can use high shutter speeds with low ISO. However, on most of the other days you have to do battle with poor light an high ISO. This causes the image to degrade. No doubt the best pro cameras don't suffer from this problem but I haven't got the luxury of this so I have to make do with the technical limitations of the Canon 40D. At high ISO it starts to suffer. Also it will only take 6 FPS on JPEG which also adds to the problems.
This brings us onto flash. I have tried to use a flash before but this has two problems. Firstly, it scares the birds - bit of a show stopper this! Secondly, most cameras are only sync'd to a maximum of 200th of a second shutter speed - a slow speed for what I am trying to achieve. No doubt there are technical fixes to these issues but I am not willing to spend the money just yet.
I will need to think about this some more and see if I can't come up with some better solutions.
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