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Friday, 30 March 2012
Just messing about
I have been playing around with ink again over the past few days and suddenly I had the idea of combining some of the drawings into a sort of sci fi/ fantasy world biopic poster. This is the first result and I have to to say it is really quite silly - not least of which because as I am sure you can see I haven't paid too much attention to detail. But that is not the point - it is, after all, just a bit of fun...just messing around
Thursday, 29 March 2012
Monday, 26 March 2012
Notes from the nature file - Lepus europaeus
Over the past few weeks I have been walking the hills and fields of my local countryside and again and again I came across Brown Hares. This has inspired me to produce a series of sketches of the creature. Whether this becomes more than a very occasional series of sketches only time will tell.
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Sunday, 25 March 2012
Denis Gonchar: Artist Of The Day
Fascinating art work. Denis Gonchar: Artist Of The Day ---
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Available for free in the App Store. ---
Sent from Zite personalized magazine iPad app.
Available for free in the App Store.
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Friday, 23 March 2012
Whilst waiting for a visitor to arrive this morning I knocked this up. It started up as a simple doodle and then just grew and grew.
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Friday, 16 March 2012
I got my iPod before Steve Wozniak
3/16/12 5:32 PM #Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak queues for new #iPad in Los Angeles, #California |
Wonders never cease...Sent from my iPad
Let the good times roll
Well it has arrived and I have started to get to know my new iPad. On the whole the change over has gone smoothly with one or two anomalies.
First iCloud. The calendar updated no problem but when I went to use the email I was told that I had to enter the password? Not sue why one part of iCloud worked whilst another didn't - it might be that the calendar is backed up onto iTunes I don't know. Any after a bit of scrambling around to find the password all was well.
Twitter. The Twitter app doesn't seem to want to remember me and I have yet to work out why this might be. Interestingly, the Twitter feed on Flipboard works fine so perhaps it is one of those things which I will get around to sorting out eventually.
SkyGo. This doesn't want to work because I have exceeded the number of machines I have logged on in one month - or something like this. Again not a problem and I will sort this out at the start of next month when hopefully things will be back to normal.
At the moment I have not found any other problems/glitches. So now for the good stuff. Well the first thing is that the chip is noticeably quicker than my old iPad. Apps load a whole lot quicker, especially brushes as does the internet. The screen is indeed a lot brighter - whether this is such a wonderful thing only time will tell. The weight of the machine feels about the same as the iPad 2 which, given the extra battery that has been squeezed into the machine is nothing less than miraculous.
So it has taken my just over an hour to set the iPad up, discounting the faults/problems listed above, and it seems to be running ok. Lets see what a few days of use does to knock this early enthusiasm out of me. Sent from my iPad
Hyperrealism in art
I came across this article this morning of an incredible artist who produces incredible pencil drawings from a photograph. You really have to marvel at his level of craft and determination to produce such works. Paul Cadden: The hyperrealist artist recreating photographs with pencil However, I have a serious problem with his work and having thought about this for sometime I suspect this may well have something to do with my photographic background. I just cannot see the point of buying such work when you could buy a copy of the photograph and have the same quality image. Again this is not to down play the skill of the artist but it does down play the skill of the photographer to capture the image in the first place. Just what makes a pencil copy of a photograph more valuable, whatever value might mean, than a high quality print? I just cannot understand the difference. However, I have a serious problem with his work and having thought about this for sometime I suspect this may well have something to do with my photographic background. I just cannot see the point of buying such work when you could buy a copy of the photograph and have the same quality image. Again this is not to down play the skill of the artist but it does down play the skill of the photographer to capture the image in the first place. Just what makes a pencil copy of a photograph more valuable, whatever value might mean, than a high quality print? I just cannot understand the difference.
I wish Paul Cadden well it is just that his art doesn't work for me. ---
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Monday, 12 March 2012
Killing time in John Lewis
So my car has gone for a service which has meant I have a couple of hours to kill. Having done some shopping I ended up at John Lewis, a cup of earl grey and my sketch book. The restaurant seems to be a meeting place for young mothers and their respective off spring. I have no problem with this apart from the abandoned buggies all over the place. It seems that push chairs now a days are more status symbol than a means of transporting youngsters. But hay oh it would be a boring world if everything was the same! I hope you enjoy
I'm on line at: I hope you enjoy
Friday, 9 March 2012
The future of the iPad is following the iPod strategy ~ another fascinating article ---
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Available for free in the App Store. ---
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Available for free in the App Store.
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Why are companies defecting from Google Maps ~ an interesting article
Why are companies defecting from Google Maps? ---
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Available for free in the App Store. ---
Sent from Zite personalized magazine iPad app.
Available for free in the App Store.
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Thursday, 8 March 2012
The 'New' iPad
So we have to learn a new, post Steve Jobs, language. No longer are we in the world of the next great thing but rather an incremental iPad. No longer 3rd generation but rather New. To read many of the reviews of the new iPad it would seem that this means that the iPad is a bad product because there was no great '...and one final thing...' from the late master of presentation.
What have we learnt from the all the guff out there on the internet? Well that few people knew what they were taking about and that Apple could teach spy masters a thing or two about keeping a secret. But mainly the thing we learnt is that the iPad is now a mature product with few great surprises - view the promo video and you see that they spend an awful lot of time talking technical stuff about the new display - and this is not a bad thing. We now have a product that has set the standards and building on these standards for the ' PC..' world in which the iPad, more than any other machine, has brought into existence. To see how much the world has changed just watch an old episode of Star Trek Voyager, the most advanced of the modern Star Trek franchise. Here we see a time, just 10 years ago, when the production staff having no idea how tablets will work, instead they have different reports on individual tablets. Nowadays, in a Post PC world we know that all of these things, and so much more, can be contained on one tablet and at the moment that is called the iPad.
For me the killer features of the new iPad is the new chip-set. I am sure the display is very nice but I have no problem with the display on the iPad circa 2010 nor 2011. As for the inclusion of 4G mobile telephony I am sure that will be great but as it doesn't really arrive in the UK until 2013 not really much use - I suspect not that much use in the US either.
This leaves us with a solid product that has been updated like most pieces of technology with the latest bits. It is no longer earth shattering but mature. It will deliver huge profits to Apple and become a little dull, much as Apple will become without the genius of Jobs. Life goes on.
Simon Marchini
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
Live Coverage of Apple's iPad ... (
Let the meltdown of all those stories of what is and what is not contained in the iPad 3 or is that iPad HD? Live Coverage of Apple's iPad 3 Media Event ---
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Available for free in the App Store. ---
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Available for free in the App Store.
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Clint Eastwood
This is a warm up sketch for my life drawing this evening...I'm sure mr Eastwood won't mind
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Tuesday, 6 March 2012
Di Matteo becomes Chelsea mana... (
The frightening thing is that this is closer to the truth than Chelsea would like us to believe!
Di Matteo becomes Chelsea manager on 45 minute rolling contract ---
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Available for free in the App Store.
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Monday, 5 March 2012
Leo Lion
another quick sketch of no real meaning other than just enjoying the fun of drawing.
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Messing about with 13
Oh I wish...anyway last week has been a bit heavy for lots of reasons so hopefully the next week will be a little easier and to start the week off what a better way than to just have a blast sketching for the sake of it.
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Sunday, 4 March 2012
iPad 3 Parts Put Together on V... (
Interesting...if true this could be iPad 2.5 but still worth the upgrade from 1. We'll have to wait and see on Wednesday . iPad 3 Parts Put Together on Video, iPad 2 Smart Cover Still Works ---
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Available for free in the App Store. ---
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Available for free in the App Store.
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Friday, 2 March 2012
The greatest Daily Mail reader... (
The greatest Daily Mail reader letter EVER ---
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Available for free in the App Store. ---
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Apple's iPad 3 Event Invitation: 7 Clues You Might Have Missed So the hype is now in full flow and people are wasting their time deconstructing every little piece of 'information'. In truth I think it is safe to assume that the new iPad will have a faster chip, perhaps more memory as standard and a fancy new cover. Beyond that I suspect there will be some tweaks but not a great deal else which to be honest is not such a bad thing. However, I am hopeless at predicting anything so don't listen to me nor anyone else.
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Sent from my iPad
Thursday, 1 March 2012
Tired feet
Long day plodding the streets of London has taken its toll on my feet. I hope you enjoy
I'm on line at: I hope you enjoy
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