Monday, 10 November 2008

Autumn - a short project

I have been fascinated by the changing autumn colours locally.  As I mentioned previously on Saturday I took a walk through what remains of the countryside near to where I live.   I was looking for autumn colour.   I soon found it.  However, the biggest surprise I got was that most of it is provided by the highways agency.   It would seem that much of the brazen colours I came across were from trees planted either to hide the M1 or other main arterial routes.   This raises an interesting question about the environment of man's impact upon it.   If there was no motorway then we would not have such a vibrant autumn and yet the motorway represents huge environmental impacts.  Does one merit the other?   Of course motorways are not built for their aesthetic beauty but rather their blunt functionality.  None the less some small part of their impact on the environment has been for the benefit of humans.    This doesn't even address the issue of nature preservation i.e. motorways are some of the largest nature reserves in the country.  
Anyway, enough of this prattle I must go and start putting the autumn gallery together and publish it on my website .

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