Wednesday, 31 December 2008

Frosty Morning

Cold and Frosty Jubilee Park
It was a bit cold this morning.  According to the radio it was around -2c - which is quite cold these days.   Anyway, I thought I would go out and capture the cold world as dawn broke.   I was hoping for some sun to help enliven the images but all I got was a frost mist.  Still this added to the atmosphere.

The new computer is slowly starting to bed in.   I am still building the software etc on the machine.   I am in the process of installing Acronis True Image as my back up program.  I am not sure why but I always have problems with back up programs - so much so I ended up writing my own.  It wasn't too sophisticated but it worked.  However, I have decided to take the plunge and use a commercial product - only time will tell if it is worth the money.

As for the new computer all I can say is wow.   The reason I bought this machine was to try and handle very large image files.   I have to say it is not disappointing me.  Lets hope this early enthusiasm is not misplaced.

And finally. may I wish any who is reading this a happy new year and may next be better this this one.

Tuesday, 30 December 2008

An Idea

Chaffinch Taking Off

I have been toying with an idea since shooting a series of images with my wireless remote.   Superimposing them to make a more impressive shot than one image.   I have done this before with such images as 30 minutes at Heathrow.   I have also made other images of birds but this is different.  This is a single background taken again and again from the same angle.   This has some interesting variations that is worth pursuing.   Only time will tell if it works.

30 minutes at Heathrow

The start of something new

Burrough Hill Iron age Fort
I have spent most of the day setting up my new computer.  To date only one set of software won't work - Genuine Fractals 5.   According to the web site this software will not work with 64 bit OS - see support website for more information.  This is a bit of a blow but one I'll get over.

It has been quite tiring slowly building up the new computer - I still have to install the scanner and printer - but these can wait.   I have to say I am impressed with the performance of the new computer.   I am now able to move seamlessly from Lightroom 2.2 to Photoshop CS4 in a blink of an eye.

The new Photoshop is a bit different from CS3.  I am taking my time to get use to the changes but the most important thing is the performance of the software.  The Burrough Hill image at one time was over 300mb in size and the machine/software didn't break into a sweat.   The new zoom facility on Photoshop take a little getting used to - it is so quick and smooth.   Overall, it has been a very enjoyable day.  Lets hope this continues.

Monday, 29 December 2008

Update from the Computer front

Well this hard drive has lasted longer than the last one!  This is not much to crow about but it is something I suppose.  The Dell engineer that came and installed the new hard drive also sorted out the printer problem 64/32 bit network problems.  This was easily overcome by downloading the correct drivers from Brother - now why didn't windows think of that!

The engineer did forget to install my anti virus software.  This left with the problem of getting him back or sorting it out myself.  I chose the latter and after a 15 minute virtual chat with a very helpful McAfee person called Sandeep I was able to overcome this issue as well.

I am glad to say that the install of software appears to be going along reasonably well (Experience has taught me not to be too over optimistic)  Hopefully, I might be able to get this best to start to work on my images tomorrow. Hopefully.

The computer is fixed??!!??

Well, as I type this I am using my new computer.  it was the hard drive so lets hope this one lasts longer!

Essay put to bed

That is it!  I have decided I am not going to tinker/change this anymore.  It is finished.  I am not going to make any more changes to my essay.  IT IS FINISH.  Only I now that this is not likely to be the end of the matter.  I am sure that the process will have more twists and turns until the damn thing is submitted in January.

Anyway on a more depressing note I am now writing the seminar paper.  As the seminar didn't go that well this is bringing back bad memories.  The good thing is that it is only 800 - 1000 words.  Lets see how long this takes to write.

Sunday, 28 December 2008

Trial and error

Had a wonderful morning taking photographs of birds at Staunton Harold reservoir car park.   This is one the best places to take photographs of tree sparrows I know.   They hang around a feeding station and give you great views.  The best thing is that when the winter sun is out in the morning then they are beautifully lit.

I also want to experiment further with my new wireless remote control.   The set up was very simple.   Put some food out for birds on a wall and set the camera up to record what happened.  I initially used a very short zoom and this was fine apart from the sound of the camera going off spooked the birds.  I then changed to a long zoom lens and this seemed to over come the noise problem as the camera was further away.  This lead to other problems such as narrow angle of view which meant that I had to ensure I knew the spot where the focus was set up for.  I also wanted to use a fast shutter speed.  This meant that I had to set my 40D to a high ISO - in this case 800.  This caused problems as the camera doesn't perform too well at this speed - too much noise in the resultant image.   Anyway I persevered and appear to have captured some interesting images.   However, I need to reflect on the lesson from today and work out how best to use the remote set up.

Saturday, 27 December 2008

A Bright and cold Boxing Day

Burrough on the Hill
I spent a cold morning at Burrough on the Hill iron age hill fort on boxing day.  I was trying out my new resolution to reduce the number of images I take at each shoot.  How did I do?   Well I am not sure as I still ended up with nearly 100 images from a 1 1/2 hour shoot.   Whether this was good or bad I am not sure.  However, I am still working on my own rule of thumb - I try and produce 6 good images from each shoot.   This is really what I am working towards.   The only problem I have with shooting so many is handling them.   This has meant that I have become pretty ruthless in my editing and out of the hundred I may take I only keep a couple of dozen or so.

In an attempt to try and reduce the verbiage from my shoot I decided to shoot using my trust old tripod.   This was useful as it did slow me down and think a little bit more about what I was shooting.   The problem I did face was that I lost some of the spontaneity of the shoot.   The little was so good that I didn't really need the tripod but it was a good exercise.   I gave my Lee Filters a good work out as well.  I have to say I do love the neutral density graduated set.   It was just nice to get out in the filed and take a few images.

This has made me even more frustrated with Dell.   I have not been able to process the images and possible print on or two up as my new dell is still awaiting the attentions of the engineer, and no doubt a new hard drive.   Still, Monday is only a day or so away and I must be patient.

Friday, 26 December 2008

Do I take too many images?

Is this going to be my new years resolution?   I must not take so many images.   Well the answer to this as with most questions is yes and no.   Yes when it comes to the majority of my photography - I think this is happening already.  No when it comes to wild life photography.   Much  wildlife work takes place in small windows of opportunity so you have to make the best of it when you can - hence a large number of images.   The only thing that goes against this is the fact that I do a lot of walking and I find that the G9 just too easy to snap the image.   Most of the results are less than perfect but with a bit of work in photoshop they can be lifted to an acceptable level.   

Given all this I should make this one of my new years resolution...only I am not sure I will!

Thursday, 25 December 2008

A Madonna Image

Jeffrey Silverthorne - 1972
I know this is going to sound deranged but this is one of the most moving portraits I have seen in such a long time.  I came across this in this weeks issue of British Journal of Photography.  There was an interview with the photographer Jeffrey Silverthorne and one of the photograph was this one.  The caption  reads '...Woman who died in her sleep 1972...' and that's it.   What the photograph is is the body of women who has just been sown up after a post mortum has taken place.

So why is it so moving?   Well for me the reason is the relaxed nature of her face.   She seems to be sleeping, a very warm and happy sleep.  She does not have a care in the world, her inner beauty radiating through.  Now this of course is ruddily interrupted when you look down and see the industrial sewing that has stitched her mortal remains back together.  Perhaps the most poignant yet brutal aspect of the way that the woman's right nipple has been cut in halt by the insertion and then sown back together.   Given all this violence to the body the woman still possess a beauty and stillness.   The main question is who placed her right arm up to her head?  Was the photographer or mortuary technicians?  Either way it just seems to extenuate the beauty of the women.  Is she just waking and stretching after the most refreshing sleep?

The only down side to the copy of the image I have appended to this is that the copy is not very good.   It lacks much of the delicate shades that the copy in the magazine has.  I just wonder what a good quality print would look like and how this might change the appreciation of the women.   

Happy Christmas

Well christmas is almost over for another year.  I hope Santa brought you exactly what you want and that you didn't eat too much.  As for me it has been a reasonable Christmas.  My son reverted back to a seven year old and that was nice.   However, it has been a lonely Christmas in some ways.   Having lost both of may parents in the last two years, my aunt Mary and Mandy's mother this year it has made me realise how much my life has changed in the last two years.  No doubt in time things will improve but just at the moment I am feeling their passing, even Mandy's mother!

There is one good thing to come out of this.   It is a new year soon and an opportunity to move on with my life.   Time is supposed to be the great healer.

Anyway I hope everyone had a great Christmas.

Wednesday, 24 December 2008

The hard drive is no more

Its official - the hard drive has gone bang.   Not bad going 6 hours of use but to be fair to Dell they appologised , well their Indian technician did, and an engineer will be visiting on Monday to install the new hard drive.   But it has taken some of the fun out of Christmas for me.   Also it has put into doubt my submission for the RPS print competition.   I hope this is not the case.   We will see.

Disaster Disaster Disaster

Well I really must have up set someone!  After only 6 hours the hard drive on my new computer appears to have failed!  Now this is not unheard of - I have two previous failures but after 6 hours!  Tomorrow I will be contacting Dell and I will no doubt find out if the premium warranty I bought is worth the money.   I guess its going to be one of those Christmases????!!!???

The only good thing is that my lap top is working - hence I am able to write this.   If anyone is reading this there is only one moral of this story - backup and backup often.

Lets see what tomorrow will bring.

Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Install Continues

The install of software, backup etc continues.   One or two problems have arisen due to the fact that the operating system is 64 bit and the printer is on the network running 32 bit.   I am sure I will be able to sort this out tomorrow.   I have just tried to install my ancient copy of Visual Basic and this has failed,  fortunately I am able to write software fixes to overcome this.  Again this is more irritating than anything else.   I just wonder how easy it would have been with an Apple - perhaps the 32/64 bit conflict may not have arisen although I am not so sure.  

I am currently rebuilding my Lightroom catalogue.   I decided to take this opportunity to rationalise my under lying structure.  This should help in the long term.

Starting the set up

Just started the set up of my new computer.  This is acting as a test to see if the blog works...which it should

Oops forgot the Dell has arrived.

Almost frgot my new computer has arrived this morning.  I will set this up over the next few days - I have a number of items to connect i.e. printers scanners Wacom tablets etc and there is no rush.   Still I feel a certain amount of trepidation about the whole process.   Wish me luck.

Essay starting to congeal

I am getting sick of the whole process but I feel that the essay is starting to come together.   This whole process has been painful in many ways but also very interesting.  I just hope the result is worth all the heartache and suffering (still this is much better than working for a living!)

Monday, 22 December 2008

The Editing continues

Well I have redrafted my draft ( actually this is the 15th draft!) and now I will start to edit it.  No doubt it will create even more drafts.   Question - when does a draft become the final document?  I suppose I will find the answer to this over the next few days.

Sunday, 21 December 2008

The re-draft of the draft of the submission of the draft

The process has started.  I have started drafting the final submission.  Crewdson is being placed in the essay to provide some 'context'.   This whole process is time consuming and yet very enjoyable.   By chance a couple of weeks ago there was I watched an excellent Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe about how professional writers write and how they use drafts.  In short they redraft and redraft all the time - even when the programme is being recorded!   This was encouraging but it also means that I may well be writing a lot this Christmas break!

Saturday, 20 December 2008

Last day of the First year

I have just found out that the last day of the first year of the MA course is Monday 11th May 2009.   I have to say that seems rather early, that was until I realised that we are dealing with an academic year and if we were undergraduates we would send the last month taking exams.  The final day of the DMU academic year is early June 2009.

Friday, 19 December 2008

Crewdson Returns

I have started to include Gregory Crewdson into my final essay.   It is interesting how your views on images change over time.   By viewing Link's work through Crewdson's prism this does start to throw up new understanding or perhaps more confusion?   Only time will say.

Thursday, 18 December 2008

Remote Flash

Robin taking off from feeder

I have a new toy - a wireless remote control for my camera.   I have been playing around with it today and the results have been mixed.   To be ell the truth I had no idea what to expect but it has given my some food for thought.   I used my flash and surprise surprise this spoked the birds.    I was able to capture some action but I need to do some thinking about how to improve the results.   Still this is a whole new enterprise and is fascinating.

Walking to University

Aylestone Meadows - Leicester

What a pleasure it was to walk to University yesterday.   It was a bit slippery under foot but that didn't bother me.   On the way I was able to do a bit of photography - see above - and also a bit of bird watching - saw a lovely Little Grebe as well as some nice views of Long Tail Tits.   We had a bit of a Christmas lunch/snack with some rather nice mulled wine and mince pies.   

The day was very short.   We had a bit of a discussion about next term/semester and the work we are likely to do...we are actually going to take some photographs yippee...   As I was not in last week I messed the second half of the seminar's and clearly there was some rumbling in the camp about the length that some of our colleges seminar.  Whether it was the mulled wine but we then some of our number decided to slag off men.   A catalogue of faults with men were then put out as though they were indisputable facts.   I am never ceased to be amazed at the sexist comments made by women about men.   This is not to say that men are without their faults it is just that it would appear that nowadays you cannot say anything about women but it is open season on men.   I also found out that there would appear to be a bias amongst some of my colleagues against long lenses and wild life photography.   This, however, was wrapped up into a general moan about men.   I did try to defend men but to no avail.   Clearly,  it is a proven fact that whatever men do is rubbish!   

The only formal part of the day was a tutorial.  This went well and the feedback I got from my first draft was very encouraging.   It looks like Gregory Crewdson will be resurrected to add some extra power to my analysis.   I intend to get this essay finish before Christmas as I want to go to Norfolk and get some winter shots of the geese and other birds.

Anyway, a merry christmas to all my colleagues and I look forward to working with them in the new year.

Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Should I walk in?

Surfers on the beach - St Brides Bay Wales

It is a lovely morning - the first in several days.   I am almost over the lurgy that has struck me down over the past fortnight so the question is - should I walk in to university?   It is just under five miles and I haven't gone for a nice walk for a few days.   I am tempted.

Monday, 15 December 2008

via devana

Whilst trying to answer the recent email about my historical research website my I started to reflect on the talk given by Nick Lockett.   His main assignment for his MA was about a Portway that ran across the central spin of Derbyshire.  We had a brief word about this and I thought nothing more of it.   However, having started to look through my notes, some quite dusty, it has started me thinking about this unfinished work, it has been unfinished for over 12 years now!   Perhaps this could form that basis of my main assignment?   Who knows but it has peacked my interest.

Digital workflow

Having spent the weekend thinking about the forthcoming upgrade of my PC I have come to some conclusions about my digital work flow.    The first is that this is an opportunity to refine the process so that it is as efficient as possible.   The second, and this is a linked to the first, is that I will build the work flow around commercially available software rather than using software that I have written for myself.

The nuts and bolts of the work flow will be built on two file formats.   DNG and TIFF.   The reason for this is because these are open formats and so should be immune to the vagaries of changes within digital file format.  They also represent the highest quality files for saving data.   Of course I will use small JPG files when publishing to the net or when required but the main file formats I will use are DNG and TIFF.

As for the software I will build the work flow around Adobe products.   The reason for this is simple - they are the industrial standard for photography and so should provide a stable platform upon which to build any work flow.    The only exception to this will be the use of Photomatix for generating HDR images.

History Website

I had a blast from the past the other day.    Someone had sent me a question after reading my local history website.   This came as something of a shock as I hadn't done any work on this site for over 5 years.   The question was/is quiet interesting and something that I will follow up but it is interesting how your old life does catch up with you even in a very small way.

Saturday, 13 December 2008

Thinking about setting up the new computer

National Gallery - London

Having to undertake some interesting think about how to set up the new computer.   This wasn't too much of a problem in the past as I hadn't developed a significant digital work flow.   This time it is different and it is causing my brain to hurt.   It revolves around three applications: Adobe's Photoshop, Lightroom and Dreamweaver.   How do I set up these packages up on the new machine?   Equally, do I spend a some cash and buy CS4 - after all I am a full time student and so could get the web premium package for a significant discount.   This is probably the best way forward in the long term but just at the moment it may cause complications when I have an essay to finish.  Problems problems problems.   I suspect I will have to bite the bullet and set things from new and take it from there.   Should be an interesting few weeks.

Friday, 12 December 2008

The audit has landed

Oh the joys of replacing your computer.  I am now about to embark on an audit that I should have done a while ago to identify all the hardware/software that will have to be installed on the new machine.    This might seem straight forward but this usually takes all morning and I have found that if you don't do it then you miss something - something that may be important and very difficult to recover once your computer has been recycled.  Let the fun begin!

Latest sickness update: Now a slightly snotty nose - think I might survive.

Thursday, 11 December 2008

Platting Fog

GGARGGHH! This is turning into one of those days. If I were paranoid then I would think it was caused by me bad mouthing Apple computers (perhaps it is some form of virus that is spread by Jobites across the world). Anyway, after announcing to the world that I had bought myself a new computer I then fell foul of well meaning financial security constraints. Cutting a long story short I have just spent the past hour or so ring different companies to smooth the way for my purchaise. Finally, it has been sorted out and I have to say that the one person who should be praised in all this is the account manager at Dell Srilekha Bhattacharya. She was more helpful that you can imagine and well worth a mention (although how worth being mentioned here is is another question!)

Anyway, I now have the documentation to prove it. My new Dell should arrive just before Christmas and all is good in the world. The only thing is my head is so thick at the moment that I am having difficulty thinking straight - indeed everything does feel like I am platting where is that Lemsip???

Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Well I've gone and done it

City of London 

After sitting on my hands for weeks I have finally taken the leap and replaced my trusty desktop computer.   For some time I have been toying with the idea of moving over to Mac but unfortunately  technology has moved on and the latest Mac's don't appear to be using it at the moment.  (I am sure this will be addressed in the future but I am replacing my machine now.)

Two questions, what new technology and why now?  The first is the new intel chipsets Core i 7.   I am not going to claim I know the technical specs about this new chip apart from the old trusted PCPro gave the thumbs up and I have always found their reviews to be very reliable.   New technology comes along all the time why replace the desktop now?  

Over the past few months I have started to work a lot of the time with very large digital image files (3oomb +).  This is because I have started to experiment with HDR panoramic images.  Needless to say when you work with files this size then it very quickly consumes resources and my trusted desktop was starting to run out of puff.  I have increased the size of the RAM to the max for 32 bit windows processing and this helped but nonetheless it was becoming apparent that I needed to boast the machine and the most cost effective way was to upgrade my machine.

When I came to compare any comparable Apple with Dell I found that the Apple machines just didn't have the latest technology.   This, of course, is not the only reason why I didn't go with an Apple and I have explained this in the past.  I am also sure that when Apple does implement this technology, some time next year by their usual model release cycle, then no doubt it will be well integrated into their system.  The bottom line is that the amount of processing power comparable with the model I have bought would have been almost twice as expensive.  Lets just hope that the results are worth the expenditure.

Cold now down graded to Man Flu

Thank the lord I survived. I am sure this is the cry from many a battlefield and so it is with me or rather my immune system. This has done battle with the the lurgy that invaded my body over the past few days and has prevailed. What a wonderful thing immune systems are and how we take them for granted most of the time. Well well done to mine - I've now only got 'man flu'.

What a strange phrase ' man flu'. What does it mean? More to the point what does it say about stereo types and the battle between the sexes? The reason why I ask this is because over the past few days I have watched an awful lot of day time TV (one of the best cures for all but the most malign disease as too much of it will surely rot your brain - what a snob!). Anyway, one advert stuck in my mind. It was for a cough/cold medicine which clearly said that men are wimps compared to the stoic woman folk. This may be true, it may not be true but it was an awful sexist stereo type which if the roles were reversed would no doubt, rightly, be attacked for demeaning women. It is amazing how it is okay to use a stereo type for one group but not another. Not a blinding piece of in sight but some thing that occurred to me as I was waited on by my wife!

Not going into University today mainly give myself an extra day or so to get over the lurgy. Hope the second half presentations go well

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

The dreaded cold

Boy I still feel rough.  After spending a wonderful day in London on Thursday last week I came down with an attack of the dreaded lurgy and have felt rough for the past few days.  I  am only just starting to get over it - must be an age thing as my son had a similar thing a week or so back and he was able to get over it in a couple of days.   Anyway, at least I am able to to write a few lines but that is about it.   The most frustrating thing has been the light has been exceptional over the past few days and all I have been able to do is sit and look at it.   Not one picture taken.   Lets hope I am better in a week or so's time as a I get my feedback on my essay.   If the presentation was anything to go by then I am in for a rough ride.   Now where is that Lemsip?

Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Harvard System of Referencing

I have just spent the past two hours trying to make my draft essay comply with the Harvard System of Referencing. This is the most frustrating thing I have done in a while! I am sure when you get use to the system it makes more sense but at the moment I am having difficulty understanding why this is the prefered methodology. I don't want to be too critical as I don't understand all the nuances but it goes make me shake my head with disbelief. Perhaps in a couple of weeks time it maye make more sense.

The draft is now complete. I have my seminar presentation tomorrow and then we hand in the draft. We should get them back by the 17th December. Then no doubt there will be some series redrafting to be undertaken! What a wonderful Christmas that will be.