Monday, 29 December 2008

Update from the Computer front

Well this hard drive has lasted longer than the last one!  This is not much to crow about but it is something I suppose.  The Dell engineer that came and installed the new hard drive also sorted out the printer problem 64/32 bit network problems.  This was easily overcome by downloading the correct drivers from Brother - now why didn't windows think of that!

The engineer did forget to install my anti virus software.  This left with the problem of getting him back or sorting it out myself.  I chose the latter and after a 15 minute virtual chat with a very helpful McAfee person called Sandeep I was able to overcome this issue as well.

I am glad to say that the install of software appears to be going along reasonably well (Experience has taught me not to be too over optimistic)  Hopefully, I might be able to get this best to start to work on my images tomorrow. Hopefully.

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