I hate waiting...my wife says I have no patience and she is right I don't. The reason why I mention this is because I am waiting on the results of two submissions I have made to two different competitions - the British Wildlife Awards and the Projected Image. I have mentioned both of these before but I don't know why but waiting for the results from both submissions is driving me nuts. I know I have been short listed for wildlife awards - but that doesn't mean anything. Will I be selected or rejected? The same goes for the Projected Image. I just can't concentrate on doing anything other than worrying about these two submissions - its driving me nuts!!!!
On a slightly connected note I was going to attend a one day garden photography course run by the RPS at Kew Gardens in September. However, this has been cancelled - lack of numbers so I decided to get a refund on my train tickets. They don't do refunds so I have slightly changed my travel times and will spend the day going around galleries etc. I'm still working on an itinerary but there looks like a lot of interesting exhibitions so it should be an interesting day out. So what is the connection you might ask? Will I am thinking about entering the garden photographer of the year competition and this was going to help. Another frustration.
What this has meant is that I have had little inspiration to take any photographs so I have spent my time catching up - something I have written about earlier. The photograph above is the result of this catching up.
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