Friday, 2 October 2009

Another early rise....

It was dark when I got into Bradgate Park this morning. You could just make out murky figures moving in the gloom - these were mainly fallow deer although there was a rather large red deer stag nearby who you could smell but hardly see. However, you could hear him when he started to bellow - this always brings a chill to me when I hear it. Autumn has really arrived.

I had spent the previous day looking after my wife who had broken her arm. However, as I was getting up early she would still be in bed for most of the time so I didn't feel too bad leaving her at home. This makes Mandy sound like an invalid, which she is not, but she does need my help from time to time

After this promising start the whole session became a real disappointment. The light was nice but there really wasn't anything interesting to photograph. Still it is still early and there is only one thing you can do in these circumstances - persevere - so I will be getting up early for the next month or so. Now what we need are some nice frosts to help matters.

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