Well I have survived my encounter with Somme style mud. Actually this is a bit silly, well all right very silly but it was very muddy. It is half term at the moment so the woods at Dimminsdale were alive with parents and grand parents taking their respective off spring to see the snowdrops. The problem was that no one had told the snowdrops - so they continued to sit their without opening their flower heads. It snowed last night so this should have added to the romantic nature but instead it just added to the gloop.
There were quite a few photographers there trying to capture that illusive shot but I seemed to be the only one who was willing to get down and dirty with the pesky flowers - I suspect that this said more about me than the other photographers. I had planned ahead so had old waterproof trousers and jacket on. I also used an old show curtain to tray and reduce the mess - this worked really well considering but I still ended up getting very muddy.
A new problem from the last time I tried to capture the flowers arose this time. People insisted on crouching down near the flowers, I was lying down in the well worn footpath, this meant that many of the snowdrops were trampled under foot. It would be wrong to suggest that many flowers were destroyed as a result of this but people should be careful where they stand or squat.
It too early to say whether the morning was a success - but the early indications are that it went better than expected - lets hope this is borne out by the final photographs.
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