Tuesday, 31 August 2010
Bees buzzing
It was an early autumn afternoon, the sun still had a lot of power as it beamed down, yet there was the tell tale autumnal feel to the wind. Not cold but gone was the warm winds of just a few weeks ago. I say warm but of course anyone who knows the summer we have had well warm is not a word you would associate it.
Anyway, what a better time to try and capture some bees and hoverflies feeding on the late gifts of nectar from flowers. It really was a pleasant way to pass an hour or so, sitting on a deck chair sitting in the sun in the garden and every now and then pressing the remote shutter release. I set the camera up on a tripod, manually focusing on a particular flower and then wait. Of course the first thing that went wrong was that flower kept moving, a gift of the passing breeze! So refocus and set up again. Snap Snap Snap - motor drive on full blast. Then kick back for a minute or so and then repeat, repeat repeat.
So what were the results? Well as expected. Most of the 300 plus images were out of focus, the depth of field was in the millimetre range. Despite this I got what I wanted. all in all I have spent far worse afternoons.
Simon Marchini LRPS
Web: http://WWW.simonmarchini.co.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/@simonmarchini
Monday, 30 August 2010
Well I have just published my next book.
This is a collection of photographs I have made with my iPhone. I enjoyed making the photographs and the book. this is part of a long standing project/idea I have that we should try and make hard copies of digital content.
Simon Marchini LRPS
Web: http://WWW.simonmarchini.co.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/@simonmarchini
Water colour
Another day another experiment. I have been trying out my water colouring skills and it has been a very mixed bag of results. The first thing I tried was a simple landscape and I very quickly discovered that there was no such thing as a 'simple' landscape - especially when you have never done anything like that before. This morning I tried again and had a similar result. I then tried to work on something I was more familiar with, portraiture and suddenly things started to work out a bit better. This is not surprising for two reasons. Firstly, I have been practicing drawing faces for a few weeks and secondly, I discovered new techniques to help control of the paint. I am rather pleased with what I have discovered so far but there is long, long way to go before I would even admit that I knew what i was doing let alone any good. Still you have start somewhere.
Sent from my iPad
Friday, 27 August 2010
I'm getting all arty farty
Well here is another step into the unknown. I have signed up for a drawing and painting course. I have no idea what will come of this but it is all rather exciting. I enjoy drawing for the relaxation of it all. I don't think I am any good but I enjoy it nonetheless which I think is the point. After all I don't have to earn a living from my art - thank goodness.
Simon Marchini LRPS
Web: http://WWW.simonmarchini.co.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/@simonmarchini
To Normalize or Not to Normalize? That is the question...
I am in a bit a spot. Should I create a database to handle all the data I am generating from my historical research? There was a time when I would have leaped at this and created a really slick looking database. However, those times have passed and now it would be a real pain to have to do this. The only problem is that my current system is starting the creak under the pressure. I probably will do it in the end but not until all else fails. My how times change.
Simon Marchini LRPS
Web: http://WWW.simonmarchini.co.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/@simonmarchini
Tuesday, 24 August 2010
Volcanoes and Deep Time
So Deep Time - this is like an annoying itch - just what does it mean? Well I am still not sure I can come up with definition yet - there are no doubt geological definitions but they won't capture what I am trying to achieve - I think. Which brings us onto Volcanoes. In one sense they are the antithesis of Deep time and yet they also have created some of the oldest rocks in the British Isles so span the whole gamut time, human time and Deep Time. So they are creating tomorrow's rocks but they have also the deepest impact on the human consciousness - in deed the technical name for a conical volcano is 'Plinian' after Pliny the younger's description of the Vesuvius eruption that engulfed Pompeii, an emotive story about the devastating interaction of Volcanoes and humans.
With this in mind I am going to the Volcano: Turner to Warhol exhibition at Compton Verney. What I am hoping to get is some inspiration and insight as to how I might capture Deep Time. I know this is a contradiction but such is life.
Simon Marchini LRPS
Web: http://WWW.simonmarchini.co.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/@simonmarchini
Tree on the hill
I have spent the morning doing some pencil drawings, a sketch of the Notre Dame. Not bad for a first attempt but could be improved with more practice. Are more practice - this seems to be way of things - the more you practice the better you get. I keep going back to the thought - 10,000 hours to be really good at something. I've got a long way to go! In the mean time I have had a bit of fun with a quick painting in Brushes. This was really relaxing if, as always, frustrating. I have come to realise that it is far easier to understand how things work in real world than working out the metaphor built into the Brushes software.
Sent from my iPad
Monday, 23 August 2010
The Times on line - do I renew?
I know I have been a little unfair to the iPad edition of the Times. Many of the things that I have moaned about over the past three months have turned out to be 'user error'. However I have had this for about three months now and ,because of production problems, this has been free so I have had a great test of whole concept. This will soon come to an end and I will have to pay for the paper so the question is will I ? As thing stand at the moment the answer is probably no. This is not because the product is sub standard but rather I feel it is now starting to miss the point. I find having a static document, with poor interactivity, very restrictive. I find I am using flipboard far more than reading the Time iPad edition. So what does flipboard have that the Times doesn't? Well, I choose the news feeds and other sources of information to meet my needs and tastes. The news is more up to date and relevant . Of course the people at the Times would argue that you are buying great journalism, and this is true, but find that is not enough anymore. So will I renew? Not sure but if you has asked me three months ago then I would have undoubtedly said yes. Shows how things change very quickly. Sent from my iPad
Saturday, 21 August 2010
Friday, 20 August 2010
A sensible iPhonegraph
Having spent most of the day playing around with panoramas made with out the assistance of Photoshop I thought it would be nice just to let the computer do all the work. The result is smoother but somehow more sensible. Not sure whether I am after sensible at the moment.
Simon Marchini LRPS
Web: http://WWW.simonmarchini.co.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/@simonmarchini
Standing by the dock of the bay - with my iPhone
Well I am certainly not Ottis Reading and Orford isn't really next to a bay but I did have my iPhone. Whilst I was away I tried to make some panorama photographs with the iPhone. As I have previously written I am not after technical perfection with iPhone and so I wasn't after images that could be stitched together seamlessly. Instead I was after some thing that would reflect the english summer and coast. This wasn't meant to be the high gloss you see in, perhaps a Tommy Hilfinger ad, but the more ordinary crumpled reality - well the reality that I see.
So this is the first example of the work - I think it does hit all the points I wanted say. I like it and that is the only thing I can ever hope to do for certain. This will be going into my forth coming book on iPhoneography.
Simon Marchini LRPS
Web: http://WWW.simonmarchini.co.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/@simonmarchini
Thursday, 19 August 2010
Orford Ness - one day on.
Well I am back home, knackered but satisfied. I have had a little time to think some more about Orford Ness. My last post was actually sent stand next to the only nuclear testing facility open to the public, the sinister Lab No 1. The place is truly strange in both a good and very sinister way. The good is the landscape of the ness. It is open, flat and devoid of any useful reference points. You cannot judge distances when you are on the ness. Lab No 1 seems next to the landing point but it is almost 2 km walk. This is very weird.
This disorientation is not helped by the wide bland skies when we were there. There was plenty of detail with the sky but yet it seemed to hold no information - as though this had been drawn out of.
Then there is the sinister. The whole ness is a huge weapon development sight. Beyond the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment (AWRE) buildings there are innumerable craters dotted around the place. Some small, others not so. These provide a strange vignette to slowly decaying AWRE buildings. Whilst there was never any nuclear materials on the Ness the delivery systems contained high explosives and so the buildings were designed to contain any explosion should they occur whilst the testing took place. The result is a series of weird looking buildings which again only reinforces the sinister feeling of the place.
The site of the ill fated Cobra Mist radar station only adds to the air of sinister malevolence. When you add the nearby Rendlesham Forest UFO incident, 'Britain's Roswell' then this a very strange and slightly disturbing part of the world.
However, this being England things aren't quite what they seem. Whilst the Ness was this super secret testing site Orford is only 500 metres across the River Ore and any testing that went on must have been in plain site of anyone with even the most rudimentary binoculars. America has Groome lake, an area intensely guarded and we have Orford Ness right next to a small quayside and pretty medieval town. I think I prefer Orford any time.
Simon Marchini LRPS
Web: http://WWW.simonmarchini.co.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/@simonmarchini
Wednesday, 18 August 2010
Well I'm bit stung but it is worth the discomfort. Orfordness has a very strange and sinister feel. The place was used to test nuclear bomb delivery systems and you can feel the danger in the crumbling buildings. In the distance is the site of the super secret radar system, that never worked, and beyond that is Sizewell A & B, two of the largest nuclear power stations in Britain. In short this conspiracy theory heven - no wonder it is also the site of the most UFO sightings in the area. Very X files.
www.simonmarchini.co.uk I hope you enjoy
I'm on line at:
www.simonmarchini.co.uk I hope you enjoy
Tuesday, 17 August 2010
Off to Orford Ness in Morning
My friend David and me are off to Ordford Ness in the morning for a couple of days of photography. I really don't know what to expect which is rather exciting in its self. To prep I have been making a few sketches just get the creative juices flowing. Lets hope I don't make a mess of myself with them.
Simon Marchini LRPS
Web: http://WWW.simonmarchini.co.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/@simonmarchini
Andy Warhol I am not
Sunday, 15 August 2010
Sunflower and Photoshop
We have some great sunflowers in the garden. I don't know what it is about sunflowers but they always make me feel just that little better with myself. Anyway, this inspired me to create this painting. I then scrubbed it through Photoshop for the ipad and gave a rather strange border.
Sent from my iPad
Unfinished face
If at first you don't succeed try try again. So I have been trying out different ways to create a painting of face. The eye is still too big but I am finally getting some where with the nose. In short practice and more practice. I find that time simply slips away when I am working on these - just what do I call them? Sketches? Perhaps. Anyway it is really rewarding in a Its own way. Looks like it going to be another long day sketching - such hardship!
Sent from my iPad
Saturday, 14 August 2010
Another step forward
For some people this might not be a huge step forward but for me it is. It has taken me the best part of a day to produce this painting and there a huge number of things wrong with it. However, I have learnt so much from this that my next painting should be a whole lot better and then the next and the next until one day I may turn in something half decent. This is in the future but for now I am pleased with what I have done. I can do a whole lot better but this, for me, is showing promise.
Simon Marchini LRPS
Web: http://WWW.simonmarchini.co.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/@simonmarchini
Friday, 13 August 2010
The eyes have it
This art bug is really starting to bite. I have just tried to make my first painting. Of course being me I decided to use Photoshop for a number of reasons. So how did I do? Well better than I would have thought. However, as with every new adventure things didn't go as well as I would want them. However, as this is the first time I have done anything like this, I am still really surprised how well it did go. The thing that gave the most satisfaction were the eyes. I am still having problems with noses but, with time and practice, I am hopeful that I will master painting/drawing them as well.
So for now I will have to satisfy myself with the eyes. An encouraging start.
One final thing. This drawing/painting business is hard work.
Simon Marchini LRPS
Web: http://WWW.simonmarchini.co.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/@simonmarchini
iPhonetography - a new word that may define a whole new era of photography
I know this hyperbole but perhaps the iphone may well create a whole new era of photography. It is too early say whether this is so but it would seem that i am not the only one to enjoy the incredible creative potential of the iphone. I am sure that there are other camera phones that are creating a similar buzz but as I use an iPhone then I am only interested, for the moment, with the iphone.
I initially thought that I was the only one who liked the quirky photographs that iPhone created but now I know I am not alone. To prove this take a look at the following sites.
This fade may well pass as many others have but I suspect that it won't. The reason for this is two fold. The iPhone may well appeal to people who are creative by nature or inclination. So they may well be more inclined to use the camera for something more than a tool to post snaps to Facebook. The second is the success of the phone itself. There may well be a critical mass building whereby the trend sticks. However, with all predictions only time will tell.
Simon Marchini LRPS
Web: http://WWW.simonmarchini.co.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/@simonmarchini
Thursday, 12 August 2010
Its done - the portfolio has been packed!
Its done and dusted, I just need to send the parcel off. This really is a weight off my mind. That is until the assesment day.
www.simonmarchini.co.uk I hope you enjoy
I'm on line at:
www.simonmarchini.co.uk I hope you enjoy
The mounting has begun!
Well this is it. The final selection has been made and we are now mounting the photographs on boards. Labels are being printed and checked as well as the statement of intent. It can only mean one thing. The ARPS portfolio is finally being brought together. Hopefully, by tomorrow everything will be done and dusted and I can get on with my life. Hopefully!?!
Simon Marchini LRPS
Web: http://WWW.simonmarchini.co.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/@simonmarchini
Root canal - only one more session
Only one more session and it will all be over. The root canal surgery will be thing of the past. Well that is what I thought last time but here we are six months later and another tooth has given up the ghost. I have no idea why know but I suspect it may well have something to do with advancing years. The last serious tooth problems I had was some 20 years ago so I suppose I can't complain. By the way I couldn't remember what a tooth looked like so the drawing is, well, lame!
Sent from my iPad
Wednesday, 11 August 2010
Painting with Photoshop
I don't how long I have been using Photoshop - years and today is the first day I have tried to use it to paint. The result is irrelevant, although I quiet like my quick and dirty red squirrel, it has opened up a whole new area of creativity - sometimes it feels like my head is just about to explode at the moment with these new ideas that are racing in.
Simon Marchini LRPS
Web: http://WWW.simonmarchini.co.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/@simonmarchini
Keeping a record
I have written many times before about the fleeting nature of digital images. What appears to be the best file format suddenly disappears and you are struggling to find any system that can read the file let alone display the image. This might sound alarmist which it is but consider this - computer generated images have only been available for the last 20 or so years - there is no track record of longevity compared to a printed image.
With this rather in mind I have decided that I will start to print off some of my Brushes work. This is not an act of vanity rather I feel it is important keep a record so that any progress you make can be judged. Also it is so much more rewarding to hold a print, something physical, rather than look at a screen, no matter how good it might be. Whilst I was preparing the print I suddenly realised that I can work on the images in photoshop and this open a whole new are of experiment and development. All rather exciting.
Simon Marchini LRPS
Web: http://WWW.simonmarchini.co.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/@simonmarchini
Tuesday, 10 August 2010
iPhone Photography - what a joy.
The more I use my iPhone as a series camera the more I seem to get out of it. I have spoken and written before about the joys of using such an awful camera. It is so liberating as you really have no idea what it is going to produce. The inadequacies free you from the straight jacket of light/shutter speed/aperture. This is pure photography where you can just try and create something interesting, not good or mind blowing but just interesting. I love this.
Simon Marchini LRPS
Web: http://WWW.simonmarchini.co.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/@simonmarchini
Drawing animals is so much easier
Monday, 9 August 2010
Dull hand of conformity effects my MoJo
Well the nightmare is nearly over and I am starting to feel the first flushes of creativity coursing through my body. Hopefully by the end of this week I'll have pulled the portfolio together, mounted it and posted it. That will be it. Never again. (Although you should never say never so perhaps I should qualify this with probably never again!)
Over the past month or so I have found the whole process of meeting all the rules surrounding an ARPS submission for Nature really off putting, so much so that I haven't been out and taken any really interesting and exciting photographs for a couple of months. I guess I just lost my MoJo baby yeah! Enough of the Austin Powers. Although it does feel like that. No motivation, no excitement. However, there is a small glimmer of hope.
Yesterday I went a walk around Bradgate Park and started to take a few photographs. It felt quite good. I then processed the car and found a number of other photographs that I had made over the past couple of months sitting on the card waiting to be processed. In amongst the dross there were two or three photographs that made me excited. Perhaps my MoJo hadn't disappeared but rather gone into hibernation. Perhaps.
One final thing. I am now concentrating my blogging using Posterous. They have some really interesting themes, better than the Blogger account. I will still post stuff to blogger but the work will be published with Posterous in mind so if you want to see the work at their best then Posterous is the place to go.
Simon Marchini LRPS
Web: http://WWW.simonmarchini.co.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/@simonmarchini
Saturday, 7 August 2010
Harry Potter
With the timing of a man with an impeccable record for missing trends I haver finally become enraptured with Harry Potter. This is something of a record, even for me, to be 13 years behind the trend. However, I have Stephen Fry to blame for this. I am not reading the books but listening to Fry's masterful audio books as I walk around. They are simply the best way walk - music is OK but Fry's narration is off a different class. Again, these audio books have been out for years and I am now only starting to listen to them - I really am a dedicated follower of fashion!
Simon Marchini LRPS
Web: http://WWW.simonmarchini.co.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/@simonmarchini
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Wednesday, 4 August 2010
Another iPad gripe
If it wasn't enough to keep moaning about no Flash support on the iPad I have found another grip. The iPad takes forever to back and sync. It seems I am not the only person to experience this problem as I have searched the internet for answers. In short there isn't one single answer, some suggest that it might be one or more apps that are causing the problem, others a corrupted file within the iTunes backup process. The solution that I have tried and seems to speed things up is to switch the iPad off and on again then run the backup and sync. This seems to speed things up a lot - as I write this my backup of around 8 GB of data has only taken about 10 minutes - almost unheard of speed. In fact the whole process has just finished so this may well be a solution - for me at least.
So another problem with the iPad - this is getting more like a good old PC each day that passes. However, I wouldn't be separated from my iPad and no doubt version two or 2G will be a lot more stable and perhaps Apple might decide to swallow their pride and get around to supporting Flash. I don't think I'll hold my breath on that one.
Simon Marchini LRPS
Web: http://WWW.simonmarchini.co.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/@simonmarchini
Tuesday, 3 August 2010
Monday, 2 August 2010
15 prints made - now are the photographs any good?
This is hard work! I've made 15 prints and they work well together but know I am second guessing myself like crazy. It is so stupid but I just can't help myself. I have written a statement based on what I have selected and now I am not sure that the photographs fit the statement - forgetting that I can easily rewrite the statement.
I am going to go out for a walk in the hope that this might clear my head and give me some perspective. This is all part of the creative process - god I hate this.
Simon Marchini LRPS
Web: http://WWW.simonmarchini.co.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/@simonmarchini
Long way to go
I have been browsing through some of the wonderful art work created on the iPad/iPhone/iTouch. It is mind blowing what people can do - I have a long way to go to be as good as some of them. However, you have to start somewhere.
Anyway, one artist caught my eye - Rita Flores. She has a wonderful approach to using this new and rapidly developing medium.
If you want see some more work in this medium then take a look at the following groups:
Simon Marchini LRPS
Web: http://WWW.simonmarchini.co.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/@simonmarchini
The first print is being made
Monitor calibrated - check, Gamut warning checked - check, correct paper profile selected - check. Well here goes the first print is being produced. Wish me luck - I'll need it.
Simon Marchini LRPS
Web: http://WWW.simonmarchini.co.uk
Twitter: http://twitter.com/@simonmarchini
Sunday, 1 August 2010
Brushes Painting
Practice, practice practice and then more practice. This seems to be the only way to improve with my drawing as with so many other things in life. There are some individuals who are hard wired to be able to produce some master piece without putting in the hours. However, these are rare individuals - for the rest of us it is the slow grindstone of practice. The good thing for me is that I feel I am showing progress. Whether that is progress from abysmal to not very good or perhaps a bit better I have no idea and frankly I don't care. I am enjoying this and that is all that matters.
Sent from my iPad
iPad and the olympics - just don't mention Flash
Well I've done it. I've registered an interest to buy tickets for the 2012 olympics. It is a once in a lifetime experience and I want to be part. I'd love to see the athletics but these tickets are going to be the hardest to come by - so we'll wait and see. So I went to the olympics site and wonder what, if anything, would be near where I live - nothing could be simpler - just net your post code and the computer will tell you what is in your area. Well I suppose that is what happens if you do that on anything other than a iPad/iPhone. If you do this on the aforementioned machine you hit the usual problem ' ... Your device has not got flash...' or words to that effect. When will this arrogance end? When will Apple agree to join the rest of the world and allow Flash on their machines? I know this is an old refrain but I will continue to bang on about this until something is changed. Sent from my iPad
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