Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Another iPad gripe

If it wasn't enough to keep moaning about no Flash support on the iPad I have found another grip.   The iPad takes forever to back and sync.   It seems I am not the only person to experience this problem as I have searched the internet for answers.  In short there isn't one single answer, some suggest that it might be one or more apps that are causing the problem, others a corrupted file within the iTunes backup process.  The solution that I have tried and seems to speed things up is to switch the iPad off and on again then run the backup and sync.  This seems to speed things up a lot - as I write this my backup of around 8 GB of data has only taken about 10 minutes - almost unheard of speed.  In fact the whole process has just finished so this may well be a solution - for me at least.

So another problem with the iPad - this is getting more like a good old PC each day that passes.  However, I wouldn't be separated from my iPad and no doubt version two or 2G will be a lot more stable and perhaps Apple might decide to swallow their pride and get around to supporting Flash.   I don't think I'll hold my breath on that one.

Simon Marchini LRPS

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

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