Thursday, 20 January 2011

In bed with Tracy Emmins - a fine minute sketch

Not really. But a strange thing has happened to me - a 2001 moment. Suddenly, I understand what the jaw bone can be used for - perhaps Saul on the road to Damascus? Well forget all this hyperbole and frankly ridicules self engrandisment What the he'll am I talking about?

Yesterday I went to the Ashmolian in Oxford and saw some exceptional work of art. Somehow I felt effected by them. When I got home I sat down in front of the TV to try and catch up with all the programmes I had recorded. As I did this I started to sketch the people I say on the screen. Slowly I started to draw them in a different way - something I had never done before. I have no idea why I did is but suddenly I was able to make really good likenesses of people with little or no effort. Sketch after sketch just seemed to come together in moments. I have no explanation for this and I am now frightened that this is just a passing phase and I will soon drop out of the zone - god bless mental health! But while it is lasting it is wonderful.

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