Friday, 8 July 2011

A Sense of Place


What on earth does this mean - A sense of place?  I have no idea at the moment but I need to start to think about this as I have to make three images for an exhibition in September.

A sense of place...a sense of place...what does this mean?

I had some grandiose idea a week or so ago but I don't think that will work - mainly because I would have to go out and make some new images which I don't feel like doing.  Then it struck me as I was standing in a field yesterday - why not use the images I am making for my historical research?  This really would be my sense of place as it is all about where I was brought up.  So here is the first one...I think I will call this prehistoric salt road.   This sounds like another grandiose idea again but at least I am making images that I can use.  Oh it is so complex??!! 

Simon Marchini 

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

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