Friday, 7 October 2011

SONY NEX 5N - an unwitting tribute to Steve Jobs

In one of those strange juxta positions that history throws up I received my new Sony NEX5N camera on the day that it was announced that Steve Jobs died. On the face of it there would appear to be no connection but to me the user of the camera and ipad,used to write this, ipods etc the connection became very clear as the day wore on.

Most of my recent technological purchases have been from Apple and I have got used to them just working. An example of this would the wireless keyboard I am using with my iPad - switch it on and away you go - what could be simpler.

Now I know what I am about to say is an unfair comparison but I am going to make it. Getting the camera to work properly was a nightmare by comparison. It was almost like the old days of the PC set up, restart and reset were the names of the game. You can just image what Jobs would have made of the process. Just switch it on, plug it in or connect by WiFi to your computer or cloud service and within 5 minutes you would be up and running.

The way that the camera works would also have been radically different as well. The camera has a touch screen about the same size as the iphone and so it is far to compare how the two function. With the iphone there is a clear vision with the NEX5N it is all menus and sub menus and so on. Once you get the camera to work it is a fine machine and promises to be a first rate purchase it is just the usability is so poor when compared to the iphone, which by the way is a camera as well as a phone etc.

So this is my tribute to Steve Jobs a clear giant of the 21st century, remember Apple only really took off when the ipod was launched so it is far to claim that he is a man of the 21st century. A man who ensured that the mass market computer products were both things of beauty , functional, desirable and probably most important for Apple, profitable. He will be missed in oh so many ways and other technology companies still have a long way to go before they are able to produce functioning products to the same standard as those Jobs helped deliver to the world.

Sent from my iPad

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

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