Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Same person, different points of view

Over the past couple of days I have been driving myself mad by looking at other artists work with the iPad and I think these two images explain, in part, why that is. They are based on the same person but with quite differing results and I think it is clear which was made on the iPad using brushes. (just in case it is not it is the one on the left)

Now I like the brushes painting but it doesn't have accuracy of the drawing made on paper using graphite which is what I am striving for. Of course in a great part this comparison is fatuous for a whole lot of reasons but I think it does show that when I use Brushes I still have a steep learning curve to negotiate. However, on the other hand perhaps this is really the wrong way to go and I should forget other artists work and just develop my own style and embrace that. Who knows how I will resolve this question?


Sent from my iPad

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