Thursday, 21 June 2012

Messing around with the iPhone

There is a purpose to all this - isn't there always?   Possibly - anyway the iPhone.   There is no two ways around it the iPhone is one of the most awful cameras I have had the mispleasure to use.   Now this is strange for me as I used to rave about the crudeness of the images and this was true with the 3G where the poor quality added to the interest of the image.   There is only one camera worse than the iPhone camera and that is the iPad camera.   

I know that the iPhone is now one of the most used cameras anywhere and of course there is a reason for that - there are so many of them around but the quality of the jpeg produced by the camera is not that good.   That being said I have made many images with the camera on the phone and when used for ref purposes they are fine.  Just don't use them to make anything serious.

So here are 4 examples of the images I have made with the iPhone.

Simon Marchini 

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

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