Thursday, 19 July 2012

Bye bye DOS, Bye Bye Redmond...

Hello Cupertino I think Im going to cry....

Yes I have taken the plunge and decided to join the Xerox PARC rip off artists.  I'm getting an iMac!   Actually circumstances well beyond my control have forced my hand so I have taken the leap that I have been thinking about for sometime now.

I suspect the iMac wont arrive much before this time next week, again these enigmatic circumstances but this does give me time to work out exact what I am going to do with around 1.5 TB of data from my previous PC.  I think I might have a solution but need to ruminate on this over the week end.  

This really is a big step for me.   It is one of those momentous moments.  I have been working and swearing at a GEM (this does date me)/MSDOS/Windows environment since 1988.  Now this is longer than most people have used a PC and so it is with some sadness I have to move.  In truth I am looking forward to the new challenge ahead and I am sure that after a few months of bedding in and teething problems, within two days of owning my first computer I had deleted the system disks - which was fun! I will see what all the fuss is about with the Mac.

One final thought.   I won't have to learn to use the Apple keyboard as I already have one which I use with my iPad, i.e. to write this email.  To that is one task completed - check!

Sent from my iPad

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

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