Monday, 1 October 2012

Iron Age Man - A start at the Pre Historic Project

So a few facts, such as they are. Iron Age man was lucky to reach 40 - let alone 50. Women fared even worse - due to child brith - most wouldn't see beyond 30, however by that time they may well have produced 5 or 6 children. Nowadays we don't think that 40 is old at all and so wouldn't expect to look like this chap - however most of us don't spend all our life in the open, fighting the elements and so wouldn't have the weathered faces that our iron age ancestors would have. To give some idea what they might look like you only have to look at the faces of farmers or fisherman and you will soon realise how soft we have become. That being said I wouldn't swop my life for the life of an Iron Age man, as beyond the effects of a life in the open you also have to add in the possible of a brutal attack from other communities, slavery after all appears to have been a major factor in the Iron Age economy, and you usually acquire slaves by force. One final thing, facial hair appears to have been a big thing as well and perhaps even some form of tattoos as well.

So by the time you get to 40 you would have been worn out and there is more than a good chance that wear will show on your face - hence our friend here.


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