Friday, 30 November 2012

Inspired by Leibowitz

Yesterday I posted an image under this title but almost as soon as I had done this I deleted the image from Flickr - it just didn't seem right. After sleeping on it and then playing around with the image this morning I produced something much more powerful. It is based on a photo Leibowitz took of herself whilst she was pregnant but the more I look at this the more I keep thinking - Jenny Saville - not only the subject matter but the powerful use of shades of red.

I also appear to have given the face a masculine feel to it which might hark back to the contraception campaign image from the 70's. However, as I was searching for that image I also realised that there was a transexual who recently was a bit of a media darling as he was pregnant and this made me realise that I was also aware of that as well.

In short inspiration comes from all sorts of places and at times it is very difficult to attribute one source over any other. One final thought. This is a digital painting and has a luminosity as a result of that - I'm not sure ti would have the same impact if it wasn't back lit.


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