Thursday, 17 January 2013

Hours closely examing a man's body

I know this is sounding a bit purvey but its not, well I don't think it is.  I have spent the last 3 days working on the painting of Michelangelo's David and today I have been fine tuning the details.  To do this I have had to examine the sculpture, or rather the series of photographs I'm working from, at close quarters.  The first thing to note is that Michelangelo must have done exactly the same thing.  Now given his sexual proclivities I suspect he didn't mind that however it did produce a wonderfully alive sculpture.  Again, far more knowledgable art historians can no doubt write about his techniques and where they sit in the pantheon of sculpture, to this simple soul it is just a wonder of human endeavour.

Now we come to the tricky bit, in ever sense of the word, the penis.  I had spent a couple of day trying to work out how I was to capture this, perhaps suggest it by use of light and shade was on option.  In the end I decided to define it as well as I could, this after all is what Michelangelo had done so who am I to argue.  This meant that I spent a goodly part of the afternoon looking at a photograph of a sculpture of penis.  It is up there with one of the strangest things I've done.   Oh life is full of surprises.

Simon Marchini 

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

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