Saturday, 24 January 2009

Dreamweaver - The first few lessons

It is like being back at school.   I have decide to work through the Dummies book from start to finish (well almost...I have skipped a few sections that don't reply - for example the chapter on how to create graphics/images for the web by photoshop).   So far so good.  I have  been very disciplined and completed the exercises even if they are very simple and something I would never do.  I am now onto chapter 5 - Cascade Style Sheets (CSS), the heart of modern web design.   The idea is that you separate content, text and images from style, fonts, underlining, alignments etc.  The later is placed in one or many style sheets.  I have some knowledge of style sheets but I want to build on and reinforce this information - hence the process of working through the book.  So far so good and I must say I am finding this really quite rewarding.

One the project front I hope that the staff accept 'Flash Photography' as my subject.  This is something that I have done very little of and this is a real chance to explore what to do and when.   To this end I am including interesting links on this subject in the blog.  This is mainly for my information but should anybody else read this and wish to use them well all the better.

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