Start and Finish
I have spent an interesting day putting together a series of images for next weeks meeting. I have been interested in the question of what makes a good photograph (I know that is an almost impossible question to answer as it is always very subjective but it is one I have been thinking about for a while now). Anyway, what I have been working on is the difference between an image at the start of the process compared to what it end up like.
To examine this I made a series of prints based on the RPS submission. They are diptychs comparing the image at the start and end. I find the result very revealing about how I work as photographer. I clearly like images that are fully saturated or with strong blacks and contrasts if they are black and white images. They also benefit from extensive work in Photoshop. I am going to keep them in a folder of other images that I printed off over two years ago. This too is a fascinating comparison of how my photography has changed over time. In short and enjoyable days work.
As this progressed I decide to produce two images based on composite images. Again looking at the images now after a few months it is interesting to see how I constructed the images for a particular effect. I think you can define me as a photographer when you compare the raw images with the final product.
To end the day I printed off a couple of images that just took my fancy. I have to say the printer appears to be working much better compared to with the previous computer.
hi ive got a blog as well and want to edit the html so that the text stretches across all the page and not just a skinny strip down the centre wasting space on either side, do you know how to do it (i notice your site is stretched), cheers, nathan
Thanks for this. The way that I got the blog to look the way I did was to find a template in the blogger library (I cannot remember which one so I can't name it)
I'm not sure this helps or whether you will read this comment. But anyway thanks for stopping by.
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