Thursday, 5 March 2009

Updating we will go.

I have spent the past day or so updating both Photoshop CS4 - now 11.0.1 & Adobe Lightroom - now 2.3.  It never ceases to amaze me how quickly some software gets out of date so quickly.   In the case of Lightroom this is in part due to the continue development of new cameras that mean that the Adobe Camera Raw (ACR) has to be continually updated.   However, both are also to fix known bugs/faults call it what you will.

One interesting aside about running 64 bit.  At the recent Focus on Imaging show at the NEC  I spoke to the onOne people about when the 64 bit version of Genuine Fractals was going to be available.   The advice was that this is unlikely to be available until well into the latter part of the year.  I was also informed that I should consider using the the 32 bit version of both Lighroom and Photoshop as there was 'no difference between 32 bit and 64 bit'.  This may be so but if you have built your workflow around the 64 bit products then moving back to 32 bit can be problematic.

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