Sunday, 19 April 2009

Playing Catch Up

I suppose we all get those sort of days.  Days when you don't really feel like doing anything other than sitting on you big bum and watching TV.  Well todays has been one of those days.  It has been a real struggle to get anything done.   I was planning on going out and making a few photographs but unfortunately I just couldn't summon the energy to this.  I'm sorry today was just a flop.

The one thing that I was able to do was try and catch up with the back log of photographs I have taken and try to sort through them and process a few.  Believe me this was also hard but I persevered and managed to produce these 4 photographs.   I have a busy few days ahead so I doubt I will be able to get out and make any photographs so I might have to resort to further catching up - perhaps this is not a bad thing after all given the back log I have got!

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