Well it has been just over 6 months since I bought my first iPhone and I thought it would be useful, if for no one else but myself, to set down some thoughts on the beast. Well the first thing to say is that I am inseparable from the little beastie - well most of the time. In day to day life I cannot now really understand life without the iPhone. It answer so many questions on a daily basis. I find myself surfing the net for answers all the time because the phone is just there - so much easier than logging on to my computer - convenience trumps power anytime.
So much so good. And it does get better. I now have a number of apps on the machine which are so very useful. AroundMe is so useful. When you are out and about and would like a coffee then one click on this app and there you have a whole list of surrounding coffee vendors. Now I know it is far from perfect but it provides you with a easy guide.
The maps app is another useful piece of software that can be very useful. Last week I used this app to navigate around central London. Very Very useful but does have the draw back of only working well in an area with really good 3G coverage - hence it worked so well in London. It is not so hot in country but then that is what the OS maps are for.
I find myself waking up in the morning and using the machine to scroll through my emails before I have taken a shower. Now this is probably a damming indictment of me but I find it so easy to use - again this is made easy by WiFi coverage.
So these are the good point what of the negative ones? Well I am struggling to come up with any. Perhaps the biggest problem I have noticed is that the battery does tend to heat up if you don't keep the thing switched on for a long time. Now to be fair to Apple I had the machine inside a fleece pocket next to my body which no doubt contributed to the battery getting hot but it is a problem that you need to monitor.
There is also a question of reliability. This is the second iPhone, the first lasting only a few months. However, Apple replaced the phone straight away so this didn't cause a huge problem but it is there.
Having looked at these two problems I am now wondering why I find the machine such a wonder but I guess it is just perfect in what it does or perhaps to be more precise it meets my needs. I am not a huge phone user, nor do I text that much so I don't know whether it is any better than many of the other phones on the market. However, I would note that all the major phone manufacturers are making iPhone wannabes but none have the completeness of the iPhone. In the end they tend to be pale copies of the iPhone (I don't include in this Blackberry because it seems to be a robust machine with a clear idea as to what it is trying to achieve. I just love there tactile keyboard - much better than the iPhone touch screen version.)
So 6 months on I now find myself an Apple convert - well as far as phone are concerned. I can no longer envision living my life without the iPhone - even given the problems I have noticed. The iPhone, not perfect but once you own one indispensable.