Bradgate Park
Well I will have to make do with being short listed for the British Wildlife Awards. This in itself is good but it always leaves you with the nagging question - why was I not selected for the exhibition? This is where competitions are really really bad. You have no idea why you were not chosen apart from the usual banal '...very high standard...hard choice...' and so on. Now I know it would be impossible to provide feedback of any value. An example of worthless feedback is the card that Practical Photography sends out with rejected photographs. This card has a number of boxes outlining the reason for rejection -none of which really provides any real feedback and you just get the feeling that some office junior has been given the task of ticking the box.
This is not a complaint about the whole process as I know it would be impossible for the organiser to provide such a service - indeed this is not the purpose of the competition. I am also very aware that the whole process beyond a certain level is pot luck and whether you are selected or not is very much a marginal call. In the end the only feedback that you can get is to compare your photographs to the winning photographs. This again is next to pointless as you end being like the definition of a bad general - always fighting the last war not the next one. Are well back to the drawing board.
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