Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Gateway between Leicestershire and Rutland - Launde

Yesterday was the start of a very occasional series of walks based on the Leicestershire Round. For those of you who are not aware the Leicestershire Round is a 100 mile long distance walk around the county of Leicestershire. Only it does stray into Rutland for just a mile of so and this gateway leads into England's smallest county. This photograph also appeals to my technical side.

I love boundaries and their influence on people. I have spent many a happy hour trying to retrace ancient boundaries in the land mark. Also it does have just a hint of Narnia. Just what is through this mysterious gate?

One final thing on this part of country. It is so very silent. There are the noises of the countryside, the wind in tress, the rustle of autumn leaves but no human noise at all. However this was shattered by the military. Harrier jets from the nearby airfield on from time to time shattered the peaceful idol. It was so unexpected and at times disconcerting - you find your hearing or to be more precise your brain straining for noises that modern urban life creates. They just weren't there.

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