Who'd have thought it was such hard work making a book. In one sense it is not - you just slap a loud of photographs together, add a bit of text and send it off - what could be simpler? Only it's not. I want the project to shine so I am spend a food deal of time working through the design options - they seem to be endless.
Yesterday I seemed to have a handle on what was going where only to realise that the photography wasn't strong enough. So now I am selecting my 50 best rather than the best per month. This makes for much stronger photography but now I am finding it impossible to cut down the selection to 50 images - I'm at 80 at the moment. The problem is each on is like a child to me - I am to committed to each image - perhaps 80 will have to do.
I have started to seriously edit the blog text. Initially I thought the text would form the intro to each month but as this idea fell by the way side I have re-edited the text to reflect my thought process through out the year. This still need some work on it but it is looking in better shape. Then of course I have decide how the text will look in the final book and how to work it into the series of photgraphs - but these are problems for tomorrow.
In short this is hard work and I am going to approach this as serious project rather than the somewhat throw away idea it started out as - hopefully it will be much the better for it.
One final thing - I managed to get a bit of photography in as well.
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