Talk about windswept. Coming from the centre of England I am not use to the power and majesty of the North Sea. The wind blew and the sea marched across the bay like some stallion, its mane flowing out behind. The weather is clear and blue and we humans are wrapped up to keep out the cold yet as you watch the passing ferment you notice in amongst the wildest surf ducks bobbing in and out as if nothing was wrong.

Of course to the Eider there is nothing wrong - this is what they are breed for, they are truly a seaduck. They don't try and swim over the crashing waves but wait until they tower above them then dive through the crashing maelstrom to bob out the other side as if nothing had happened. Of course to the eider it was just another day but to us weak humans, who would not last 5 minutes in such cold seas it seems like an impossible act of endurance.
They are simply a wonderful bird. They also happen to be unimaginably cute and loveable and have centuries of experience of getting passing tourists to feed them. We oblige - however we capture their likeness in vain attempt to preserve the character of this bird. A forlorn hope.
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