Monday, 29 November 2010

Pregnant Women

I am very interested in the creative process - just how did the artist come to the answers he/she has?  I am also very insecure about loosing 'good' drawings by later attempts to alter/improve/change the drawing.  So with this in mind I have made a series of photographs of the drawing of a pregnant woman during it's own journey from conception to delivery.   This is part of the reflective learning process I am using to try and improve on my work.

Simon Marchini LRPS

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

Searching for the perfect proportions

What an interesting evening I have just had.  I have been researching the perfect body proportions.  Perfect is a very loaded term I know so perhaps I should say I was looking for examples of male and female bodies that meet the classic western art proportions.   

As with all things images the first stop has to be Google.  Well you can just image the images you get when undertake search such as Nude Male Standing.   Anyway once I had worked through the porn it became clear that there was a certain amount of squimishness amongst the on line stock photo libraries to show the penis.   They have no problems with full frontal nudity when it comes to women but men, well they just have to cover the their penis in either the pose or a discreetly placed hand.

Now I am sure you can read a whole lot into this, perhaps the female nude form is considered more attractive than the male.  Or perhaps it is really sexism at it's most powerful at work. I have no idea but it just struck me as strange that there should be such attitudes.

As for the search - well I managed to obtain the images and will try and draw them over the next few days.  This is not an exercise in anything other than working on the human form - trying to draw something that looks like a human with correct proportions.  Well that is the plan - I am not sure how it will work out.

Simon Marchini LRPS

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

Saturday, 27 November 2010

Having a bit of a Lord of the Ring feast

Just bought myself the Lord of the Rings trilogy on Blue Ray and so I am going to have a bit of a Middle Earth weekend. With the weather we have at the moment then there are far worst things to do.

One ring to rule them all!

Sent from my iPad

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

The silence and the fury

Oh how I wish I had the photograph that this drawing is based on. It is from a series of photographs that Paul Fusco made in 2000 at a protest in New York city over the death of a suspect shot by the NYPD. It is full of power and outrage and sadness. Now my drawing is a pale interpretation but I have used this as a means to try and explore the use light and shade - chiaroscuro. I am happy that this a first stab at the approach but I have a huge amount to learn about control the medium. As the saying goes ' every journey starts with the first step...'. This is mine.

I'm on line at:

I hope you enjoy

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

Thursday, 25 November 2010

Working with the iPhone in Walsall

yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away...  well according to the Beatles that is.  Actually yesterday all my troubles seemed to be baring down on top of me - now this is quite so.  Anyway, even with my state of mind I went out and captured a couple of more images with the iPhone.   I am playing with the idea of making a book based on the view from art gallery windows.  The motivation/idea behind this is that when you go into an art gallery you are not allowed to take any pictures - not entirely sure what the galleries are trying to prevent but there you are.  So I have started to take photographs out of the windows of galleries and they do make up an interesting set of photographs.  Anyway, these are the two I have chosen from Walsall Art Gallery.

Simon Marchini LRPS

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Yipee I'm back on line

Order has been restored. The Internet has been reestablished in my small little corner of the world. Funny thing is I was just starting to get use to living a short while with out it. There were a lot of small jobs that had been put off were being lined up to be worked on over the next day or so - now I guess they will remain undone.

I have also learnt, well had it reinforced actually, that I can no longer deal with disturbances in my calm life. There was a time when was not so but those who know me that my recent medical history means this is no longer so. In short I am shrinking violet inside my hulking body. Oh the joys of my life.

Sent from my iPad

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

Living without the Internet

I know I am still posting but at the moment I have no Internet. I am having to rely on my iPhone and 3G - not perfect but it will have to do at the moment.

You forget how all pervasive Internet connectivity can be - especially as I have been on line since 1995 - and forget the iPad with without wifi is really not that good.

The tech support will be here this afternoon so let's hope they sort things out - otherwise it is down to BT and goodness knows how long they will take to check the line. Back to the 90's, runs on currencies, financial melt down and a conservative government - oh god help us all!

I'm on line at:

I hope you enjoy

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Working in the studio

Well I m hard at in the studio. My that makes me sound like a proper artist. Well I suppose I should describe my studio - it is a small space in the garage but it is all I need at the moment and the light is really good which is the most important thing.

I moved out to the garage when I started to use charcoal - something you can't really use in the house - well not the way I use it anyway - with force.

I actually find it quite good to have a small cluttered space. As the winter gets colder I might even invest in some heating. Perhaps.

I'm on line at:

I hope you enjoy

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

More Street Photography

Still working through the shoot from the other day in London.  That's strange - thinking about the images I captured with my iPhone as 'a shoot'.  We do live in a strange and wonderful world.

Simon Marchini LRPS

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

iPhone and Street Photography

The iPhone is a great camera to use for street photography.   It appears that when you take a large camera out in public many people become apprehensive yet don't give the iPhone a second look.   Now it is for others to judge whether the results I have obtained are any good, and to be quite honest I am only trying to please myself so if others find the work interesting then that is a bonus.

Anyway, I suggest that people get out there and start to use their iPhone, or any other camera phone for that matter, and see what they can capture - it can be really rewarding.

Simon Marchini LRPS

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

Monday, 15 November 2010

Cafe with view

Well I suppose it is the RA but this one of the strangest views I have seen in a cafe!

I'm on line at:

I hope you enjoy

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Busy few days.

Well I have had a busy few days.  The weekend was the newly formed East Midland Contemporary group meeting - where I was appointed the author of our new blog -

This is taking a while to set up and perfect but really interesting work - brings back fond??? memories of my project management days.

On top of this I gave a talk to the Sheepy Magna/Parva history group - about the historical research project I am working on.

On top of all this I am continuing my artistic development work as well as trying to fit in some iPhoneography.

I'm really not use to this level of activity.  Well that is not true - it is not too long ago when I would have considered that this was the norm for a morning's work - let alone a week.  This, however, had a very bad effect on my health so I don't want to repeat that again!

Simon Marchini LRPS

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Incredible skills - but why?

What an incredible technician Jamie Boots is. He produces photo realistic drawings of animals from photographs. There, for me, is the problem - why? Why not just use the photo? What extra does a drawing bring? This is not to down play Boot's brilliance but rather question what is the point. This being said he appears to be vey popular so what do I know?

I'm on line at:

I hope you enjoy

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

Mixing with santa's little Hellers

Well I'm at the art material fare at the NEC today. It is one of the most bizarre shows I have ever been to as it is squeezed in-between the hobby show and Christmas craft show. I never knew there were so many suppliers of glitter and coloured card. I think I going to enjoy this!

I'm on line at:

I hope you enjoy

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous