Monday, 29 November 2010

Searching for the perfect proportions

What an interesting evening I have just had.  I have been researching the perfect body proportions.  Perfect is a very loaded term I know so perhaps I should say I was looking for examples of male and female bodies that meet the classic western art proportions.   

As with all things images the first stop has to be Google.  Well you can just image the images you get when undertake search such as Nude Male Standing.   Anyway once I had worked through the porn it became clear that there was a certain amount of squimishness amongst the on line stock photo libraries to show the penis.   They have no problems with full frontal nudity when it comes to women but men, well they just have to cover the their penis in either the pose or a discreetly placed hand.

Now I am sure you can read a whole lot into this, perhaps the female nude form is considered more attractive than the male.  Or perhaps it is really sexism at it's most powerful at work. I have no idea but it just struck me as strange that there should be such attitudes.

As for the search - well I managed to obtain the images and will try and draw them over the next few days.  This is not an exercise in anything other than working on the human form - trying to draw something that looks like a human with correct proportions.  Well that is the plan - I am not sure how it will work out.

Simon Marchini LRPS

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

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