Thursday, 11 November 2010

Busy few days.

Well I have had a busy few days.  The weekend was the newly formed East Midland Contemporary group meeting - where I was appointed the author of our new blog -

This is taking a while to set up and perfect but really interesting work - brings back fond??? memories of my project management days.

On top of this I gave a talk to the Sheepy Magna/Parva history group - about the historical research project I am working on.

On top of all this I am continuing my artistic development work as well as trying to fit in some iPhoneography.

I'm really not use to this level of activity.  Well that is not true - it is not too long ago when I would have considered that this was the norm for a morning's work - let alone a week.  This, however, had a very bad effect on my health so I don't want to repeat that again!

Simon Marchini LRPS

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

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