So having slept on the new iPad what do I think? Before I answer that I think I should set out my criteria for judging. The first is I don't know what the new iPad feels like when you use it so any comments I might make with regard to this should be treated with extreme caution. However the second is that I have lived with an iPad for nearly a year now and so have got a real feel for true impact of an iPad is in your life.
So what do I think? Well in truth this seems like a holding product. Apple had to do something to keep the hype fresh but they seemed to have done the minimum. Perhaps the best example of this is that the most interesting development isn't the iPad itself but rather the option extra of the new cover. This looks really funky but how useful it will be in real life only time will tell. There is nothing in the new iPad that would enhance my use of the iPad. I don't play graphics heavy games on the iPad so the enhanced chip speed and graphic capabilities would be of limited appeal. I don't video conference with other apple users so the backward looking camera wouldn't help. I would consider editing video on the iPad, that is what my heavy duty PC is for. I have a friend who's son might be interested in the GarageBand app but I don't so this doesn't really. So in short other than the kick of having the latest iPad, admittedly vain but nonetheless attractive, I can't see that there is any reason for me to upgrade from iPad 1. This doesn't mean that I think the iPad 2 isn't worth buying if you don't already have an iPad - I wouldn't be parted from my iPad as it has totally changed the way that I interact with the internet and computing generally (This is a fine example - in the past I only posted from my PC now I rarely do). It is just that there would be very little to attract me to upgrade that is, of course, until I get my hands on one! I am really sad. Sent from my iPad
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