Saturday, 5 March 2011

What a wonderfully bad TV movie part 1

Just watched part 1 of the TV movies Apocalypse made in 2005. The date is important because FEMA and the general Federal Govt was still seen as fit for purpose before Katrina showed otherwise. Anyway, this isn't why the movies is so so bad. It's the Wooden acting, shockingly bad CGI and a script with more holes in it than a string vest that combine to make this rubbish beyond belief. However, because of all these corny problems I love the movie - I don't know why but I am a sucker for such trash. Well I can't weight for part 2. As if to complement this the following movie is Megafault a truly awful film which I believe was Brittany Murphy's swan song ( I do hope I'm wrong about that). Now this is a real turkey - can't wait. Sent from my iPad

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