Sunday, 3 April 2011

Android Is Destroying Everyone... (

This is a well thought out article about how the smart phone Market is developing and how this will effect the iPhone and Apple.  The only thing that was taken into account is the micro charging effect of iTunes.  Once google has sorted a similar system out for the android op system then this is the time that Apple will really have a serious challenge on their hands.  This does raise the question why Apple don't appear to be launching the iPhone 5 in June?  Could  the new iPhone eventually arrive into a different Market?  A Market that in just 6 months will sing even more against Apple?  I just don't know but it certainly looks like the iPhone has had it's hit point as far as.Market share is concerned.  This is a shame as I really love my old 3G iPhone.

Of course this is about smart phones but I wonder how long it will be before this also applies to tablets?  So enjoy the Market capitalisation values Apple it probably won't last for much longer.

Android Is Destroying Everyone, Especially RIM -- iPhone Dead In Water

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