Friday, 21 December 2012

Back to Basics - day 2


Well it has been a real struggle but in the end the young woman is starting become and interesting face and therefore an interesting portrait.   I have learnt that trying to treat digital painting as similar to real life painting is not that useful.  I watched a video on you tube about painting with photoshop and that showed me how to create a copy of the photo you were basing your work.  Now I have no idea why you would want to do that - but this is something I've banged on about before with photo realistic drawings and painting - they leave me cold.   However, the video was really useful in opening my eyes to the possibility of using Photoshop to enhance the image you create.  This is really a good time to say well duh - after all that is exactly how I create my photographic art but i resisted it you a while but in the end it helped to create a much more powerful image.

So will there be a day 3?  I'm really not sure.

One final thing we are all still here - so much for the doom mungers.

Simon Marchini 

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

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