Sunday, 16 December 2012


This morning at Calke I had a slight pang of longing - last year I sold all my photographic gear which I had built up over the years with the purpose of capturing wildlife photographs - especially birds.   One of the best ares locally for this was Calke Abbey.  So there I was standing with my small Sony, taking some unsuccessful time lapse photos when up above were a flock of Waxwings.  Now Waxwings were one of the birds I always wanted capture on camera but never managed and at that moment I just wish.  Then reality crashed in a I remembered all the reasons why I moved and I regained a sense of proportion.  Still for that moment I just wished.

So now I'm left with drawing the little blighters, a quick sketch attached and the surprising  thing is I get as much fulfilment from this as anything I might capture as a photograph.  The attached photo is now the best I can do - hay ho.

Simon Marchini 

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

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