There are some days when one just cannot help oneself. Today is one of those days. As I write this it is around midday and I'm still in my dressing gown! Many people think that when you retire, I prefer the term superannuated, you just stop, put your feet up and watch Jeremy Kyle. I have admit that on occasion I've actually done that but that is not my normal routine. However, today is one of those days - although I've not been watching Mr Kyle's poisoned pill.
So why is today different? Not really sure although I was out late, for me at least, last night so perhaps I'm feeling a bit tired. Whatever the reason I'm sitting here writing this in my dressing gown. And you know what I really don't care. One of the things I've learnt since becoming superannuated is that life is a much broader church than the 30 plus years I was working for Queen and country and if, on occasion, you feel like sitting around in your dressing gown then more the merrier! After all for the past month or so I've had a massive out pouring of creativity and so perhaps I need a day just slobbing out. Perhaps but I just don't care. This is how things are today.
BTW the reason I was out late last night is because I went to see Richard Thompson at Birmingham. Now I didn't really know that much about Richard Thompson before last night and it was a real revelation - Thompson is beyond doubt a world class guitar player and the drummer and bass player on stage were pretty good as well. However the most fascinating thing last night was that the audience was mostly superannuated as well but this didn't stop them getting down with Thompson. Clearly grey power rules!
Simon Marchini
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