Friday, 8 February 2013

No more sex

That's it - I've had enough of sex.   Today I created the second painting in my 'sex' series and I suspect it may well be the last.  I spent the first part of the morning searching the internet for images to 'inspire' me.  Needless to say I found a wide variety of imagery but eventually I found something that I thought I could work with.  So as I was mapping out how the painting would work and blocking out the underpainting I started to ask myself why I was doing this.  It felt really quite sordid and so instead of trying to create a 'classical' reproduction of the reflection of the woman I started to create a pixelated  version of her - it seemed more appropriate - reducing the body to just tonal values - removing any sense of humanity.

I have no idea whether it worked or not but I feel quite pleased with the result.  If you wish to view the painting then click here:

Simon Marchini 

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

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