Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Frustration of missing book

The Missing Book

I've spent most of the day getting my research in some semblance of order.   After some initial miss steps I found this really quite useful.   I actually learnt a lot as a result of the process.   Anyway, as a result of this I identified that it would be useful to read/view a book.  I searched the DMU library catalogue and found that there was one copy in the library.  Great.  So I drove into town and went to the library.    You can imagine my surprise and frustration when I found the book was not on the shelf  (That's a polite way of putting it!)   Anyway, I decide to carry out some ancillary research about Edward Hopper and ended up with quite a bit of information and perhaps more importantly a better understanding of what I want to write about.

There are many things that could be written about Hopper's work but the one that really struck me was that much of his work was actually a record of the passage of time as shown on the features of his wife Jo.   Now I am sure this is not an original observation but none the less it was a very vivid revelation for me.   Only four weeks into the MA in photography and I am starting to think like an art historian - not sure whether that's such a good thing.

Another bonus from the trip to library was that I had at least two new ideas for projects/themes I could explore as the course develops.  It will be fun exploring these and many other ideas (both good and bad over the coming months)    Now if I could only find that book...

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