Waterfall - Lathkildale
Subject Matter: The main subject was wildlife, in particular migrating birds. Because of this you have to shoot a large number of shots to get the image you are looking for. If you are trying to capture an image of a goose landing then you need to shoot the whole landing and then perhaps choose one or two;
Experimentation: I was also trying out new approaches and techniques. This will always be a hit and miss affair and so will lead to a large number of discarded images. This I guess is the cost of experimentation.
Of course the beauty and perhaps the curse of digital is that you can shoot as many images as you wish. The real cost of digital is at the start - once you have bought the hardware then the costs are almost negligible. This reminds me of the old joke about the cost of anew drug. The first tablet costs £700m whilst the second one only costs a penny. So it is with digital. Of course it is not that simple but certain types of images generate far more than others. I would be very surprised if I generated this number of images if I were shooting a landscape - in fact I wouldn't. Still I think I still need to monitor what I am shooting and why.
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