As with all my other colleagues I am now immersing myself in the research for the first essay for the MA course. I have to say this is an absorbing activity. However, the knock on effect has been that I am no longer paying as much attention to my own photography as, perhaps, I should. This is not a unique problem. David Manley on his blog as eluded to the same issues. Trying to mix work with study is never easy. I know this from personal experience when completing my degree with the OU. I still have a second degree course started with the OU and I doubt this will ever be completed as my life has moved in new directions. It is hard.
Now the good point for me is that I have recently retired and so have the luxury of being able to commit myself to the course full time. I also live reasonably close to the university so can pop in to the library at short notice as and when required. This is not the case for most of my colleagues, although some do work at the DMU but I am sure their day jobs get in the way. I am not sure what this prattle is saying other than the course demands hard work and having to keep down a job at the same time adds to the pressures.
Back to the images. I am not sure whether this is just the time of year/age or the course having an effect but I have noticed that I am starting to look at my photographs differently. It is far too early to quantify this in any meaningful way but it is something that I feel is happening. I will have to watch this otherwise I will start to be looking at photographs with the intensity and eloquence of Greg Lucas!
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