Sunday, 24 May 2009

Herons, Coots and Flickr

Another busy morning.  Was up at dawn with a plan in my head.  I wanted to try and capture the Heron's I had seen the day before.   By 5am I was on the roads around Leicester in search of the Grey Heron.  Three hours later mission accomplished.  I then spent the rest of the day selecting and processing the images into photographs.   I'm happy with them, well as pleased as I ever am on the day of creation.

I have started to reactivate my Flickr account - I havn't used for a while.  I am now going to post the blog photographs as a set on Flickr.  Today is the first day and I am not sure whether I have got all the finer points sorted out.   So if you want to see these photographs on Flicr then click here.

I will be doing this from now on so my photographs will be able to other people than the readers of this blog.  I wonder how this is all going to work out?  Only time will tell.

Mallad mother and ducklings

Grey Heron - Abbey meadows, Leicester

Grey Heron - Abbey Meadows, Leicester

Grey Heron - Abbey Meadows, Leicester

Coots, Abbey Park, Leicester

Canadian Goose and Gosling - Abbey Park, Leicester

Coot on nest, Abbey Park, Leicester

Coot, Abbey Park, Leicester

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