I know that its is very difficult to notice any difference between the photographs but there is a significant one. The one at the top was taken with my new 1D with the 100 -400mm zoom. The bottom one was taken with a 300mm + 2x converter. Nothing wrong there but the thing I have noticed when using the 1D with the 300mm + 2x converter is that the resultant image does not have the same sharpness of the same set up and my 40D. What does this mean? Well I think that the 1D is able to resolve images much better than the 40D and so pick up the imperfections of the 2x converter. What does this mean for me? Well it means I either invest in a very long, and very expensive, lens to work with my 1D or I use my 40D which seems not to pick up the imperfections. I think I will stay with the later option.
Of course there may be a fault with the 1D's focusing - it has been known. However I have discounted this as the 1D has made the 100 x 400mm zoom much sharper which indicates that it is the converter that is the problem. I can live with this problem as it saves me about £7k.

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