Monday, 6 September 2010

Another step forward

It is amazing how the mind works.  Just how does it rewire itself so that new visions and possibilities start to become clear?  I have no idea but I do know where these thoughts are coming from - I have been listening to Dune and it's subsequent books and they are full of such thoughts.  Again another  crashing of ideas melted in the mind.

The reason why I mention this is because I was listening to this whilst I was producing this, well I still haven't come up with name that satisfies so I will call it, for now, a painting.   Her name is Linda and I think it is a huge leap forward to the last such painting I made using photoshop, just over two weeks ago.   This painting business can be really exciting and frustrating at the same time but for me it is something new and vital.  Lets hope it keeps this excitement.

Simon Marchini LRPS

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

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