Thursday, 9 September 2010

What a strange reaction - No ARPS

Well I had a wonderful day at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park - great art mixed with a good cardiovascular work out - and then a good lunch - what more could you wish for.   Then this morning I found out that my submission for an ARPS had been rejected.  Now I have been working on this on and off for three years and at one time it was a big part of my life.  Now, however, it is not and I am surprised and I have to say relieved that my reaction is one of supreme indifference.  I am not sure why this but I have a number of suspicions , all to do with the fact that I have moved on.

I no longer hanker for recognition by means of letters after my name.  I am enjoying myself doing what I do and frankly if that isn't good enough for this award or that competition then so be it - life is too short to worry about such small matters.  You move on.   If this is the reason then I am really proud of my self as it would mean that I have got a lot more balance into my life.  However, it could be over the next few days I become really angry, somehow I don't thing this is going to happen. 

Simon Marchini LRPS

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

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