Friday, 17 September 2010

Real and Digital Art - just where does iPhoneography end?

Well where does one end and the other begin?   I have no answer to this but at the moment I love the effect I can get from combining the two.  This drawing of Lady Gaga was created in the real world and then brought into the digital world by my iPhone.  I know I have said this before but the iPhone camera is really powerful - not because of its spec. but rather because of its lack of anything resembling a modern.  This adds inaccuracies that to my eye really enhances the drawing.

So once captured by the iPhone the resultant photograph is then enhanced/edited/modified?  in photoshop.  So out of this process something new is created.   Now I know this is nothing new but I feel it is a really makes an interesting drawing or is it painting or photograph?   If you start to think about these things then you realise that we are reaching a point, perhaps have long past the point, where it is meaningless to debate where one ends and the other starts.  Whatever the answer I like the result.

One final thing.  I have made Gaga look at lot more of a dominatrix than she ever is or appears to be.  However, if it is unclear what is and what is not a photograph this is nothing when trying to pin down the 'real' Gaga.  Again a pointless task.

Simon Marchini LRPS

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

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