So the latest iPhone has arrived and Apple has maintained their tradition of making things a little better but no great earth shakers. Of course Apple will argue that the all new iPhone 5 is the most important phone they have ever made which of course is nonsense. This honour goes to the original iPhone which was earthshaking and literally changed the whole phone market. Would I buy one? Well not at the moment because there doesn't really appear to be a good enough reason to do that and surprise surprise my iPhone 4 works perfectly, in fact my iPhone 3 is still working perfectly and being used by a friend who isn't renown for treating equipment with kid gloves. So what have we learnt? Well I suspect that we are reaching a bit of a plateau in phone development when all the 'easy' things have been done and we will face an incremental world. An interesting thing did come out of the launch of the iPhone though, that the iOS/iTunes environment is the real driver and so perhaps this is where the great innovations will be found that can make best use of all that computing power in your pocket. Only time will tell. Sent from my iPad
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