Thursday, 20 September 2012

Who is Marilyn Monroe? Asked the Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy

Who indeed is Marilyn Monroe? I haven't got the first clue and having examined many images over the past few days I really don't think no one knows. Undoubtedly there may be a few people still alive who actually did know the woman but they must be an ever decreasing group.

For the rest all we have is the myth based on what? Well a bunch of variable movies and almost limitless images circulating to enforce and enhance the image of a mysterious creature. She really isn't a human being anymore but semi goddess. So we are served up Marilyn the sex goddess or Marilyn the exploited play thing of a President who is as much a Demi-god as she or perhaps a woman just trying to make her way in a mans world or all of these or none. On a more practical level the week has been a fascinating experience - trying many things before coming to the conclusion that I am, at heart, a really conservative artist who likes nothing better than to sit down with a pencil, graphite or conte, and try to make the best likeness I can. I think I have succeeded in that endeavour in some small way.


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