Sunday, 30 September 2012

Kedleston Hall


I have just spent an enjoyable afternoon at my friend David's McMillan fundrasier.  One of the things that looking at all the art on display has inspired me to is to make a new series of photographs.  I have decided to give the project the title of Pre Historic and no doubt over the next few months I will be building up a portfolio of work so that I can put them all together in a new book which I would hope to publish in the spring.  That's the plan which of course I'll completely ignore but there we are.

So why Kedleston Hall?  Well why not - I just fancied making an image and this was the first one that came to mind - that makes a grand total of 12 photographic images I have made this year.  Not bad going even if I say so myself. 

Simon Marchini 

Posted via email from SIMON's posterous

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