Saturday, 14 February 2009

More nocturnal rumblings

Barn Owl - Major Gilbert

Whilst out and about last night making photographs I had my latest nocturnal encounter.  No it wasn't George Michael or anything like that but rather an owl.  As I was standing by the road side making photographs of the memorial for the crash victims I mentioned in my last post a Barn Owl was screeching and making an almighty racket in the field next to me.   It was a experience.   The location of the memorial is by a well used road.  Not too far away the M1 rumbled a continuous noise and yet these were drowned out by the calling of the Barn Owl.

I looked into the field which had no lighting at all and could see fleeting glimpses of a strange ghost like shape flying across the field.   The other worldlyness of the scene was enhanced by the passing car headlights.  In the past such screams have been associated with all manner of things - including an approaching storms.  Well as I write this it is a glorious morning outside with not a cloud in the sky - much the same as last night.

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